Termara joined the Lieber Institute in 2023 after receiving her Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Yale University. At Yale, Termara Parker studied neural mechanisms of social interaction in autistic individuals using functional near-infrared spectroscopy and eye-tracking. She has presented her research at several conferences, among them the Society for fNIRS, Society for Neuroscience, ABRCMS, SACNAS and Black in Neuro. She has authored 12 publications, including six first-author publications. She has won the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, the Neuroscience Scholar Program Fellowship and the Annie Le Fellowship Award, and was named one of NIH’s 2022 Outstanding Neuroscience Scholars and University of Buffalo's Visiting Future Faculty Scholars. Termara is committed to teaching and mentoring future Black neuroscientists. As graduate director of the Yale Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) Diversity and Inclusion Collective (YBDIC), she was instrumental in creating resources and opportunities for underrepresented minorities to build community.