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Ways to Give

Your generosity fuels our groundbreaking research that holds the promise of a brighter future for those affected by mental illness and brain disorders.  Your support directly impacts our ability to innovate, discover, and translate scientific breakthroughs into real-world solutions. Join us in our mission to revolutionize the understanding of the brain, paving the way for prevention and cures, and offering hope to millions worldwide.

Two neuroscientists conducting RNA Sequencing Research at the Lieber Institute for Brain Development
Give Today

Each dollar helps push the scientific frontier to discover ways to treat, cure and ultimately prevent mental health conditions and brain disorders. Your support funds the only research institute in the world focused specifically on understanding how genes and the environment influence human brain development and then utilizes state-of-the-art tools to find new treatments. 

Monthly giving is steadfast support that adds up to tremendous impact! Customizable, automated payments make monthly giving easy and impactful at any amount.  Anyone who gives a monthly donation to the Lieber Institute is automatically a part of The Brain Trust! 

Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and any special occasion or person with a gift to the Lieber Institute in honor or memory of your loved one. If requested, a note will be sent to the recipient letting them know of your thoughtful gesture. 

Donating stock and securities doesn’t have to be complicated. Like a monetary gift, your stock donation will help support the Lieber Institute’s mission. Donate stocks through the secure online donation tool to complete the gift in a few minutes. 


When you donate securities, you make an outsized impact without taking money directly out of your bank account. Plus, neither you nor the Lieber Institute will be taxed on the gains for appreciated assets you donate. 

Do you have a Donor-Advised Fund? 
If so, please consider recommending a gift to the Lieber Institute for Brain Development by clicking the easy-to-use link below to find your fund and begin the process!  


Have you already made a gift to us from your Donor-Advised Fund? 
When you make a Donor-Advised Fund gift, it’s possible that the sponsoring organization will not share your information with us. Please reach out to Jeanette Stoltzfus at when you’ve made a gift so we can make sure to thank you and ensure that your gift gets to where it’s intended. 


How to make the most out of your Donor-Advised Fund  

  • Through a DAF, you have the ability to set up recurring gifts. Anyone who gives a monthly donation to the Lieber Institute is automatically a part of The Brain Trust! 
  • Check with your employer to see if they match DAF donations to double your impact! 
  • Do you have a beneficiary designation on file with your DAF? If not, consult your professional adviser and consider adding The Lieber Institute as your beneficiary.

If you would like to learn more about DAFs and how they can help fund a future free from mental illness contact Jeanette Stoltzfus at

Logo DAF Direct


The Lieber Institute “Legacy Investor” recognizes individuals who have included the Institute in their legacy plans. A legacy or planned gift is a financial contribution pledged now but conveyed to the Lieber Institute after your lifetime.  To explore planned giving options in complete detail and discover which will best meet your needs, we suggest engaging an estate attorney. As a first step, read on for an overview of the most popular options for making a lasting impact after your lifetime.


Will Bequest:  Structure your Will to include a gift to Lieber Institute with the following sample language:


Specific Dollar Amount
I hereby give, devise, and bequeath {specific dollar amount} OR {% of total estate} to the Lieber Insitute for Brain Development, a nonprofit organization located at 855 N Wolfe Street, Suite 300, Baltimore, MD 21205 Federal Tax ID #26-3690883, for the organization’s general use and purpose.


Restricted Bequests
I hereby give, devise, and bequeath {specific dollar amount} OR {% of total estate} to the Lieber Institute for Brain Development, a nonprofit organization located at 855 N Wolfe Street, Suite 300, Baltimore, MD 21205 Federal Tax ID #26-3690883, for the following (name of specific program or project).

If you are making a restricted bequest, we recommend that your attorney include the following provision to allow flexibility should it no longer be possible for the Lieber Institute to use your gift as you originally intended:

“If, in the judgment of the Board of Directors of the Lieber Institute, it shall become impossible or impractical for the to use this bequest to accomplish the specific purposes of this bequest, the Lieber Institute may use my gift for such purpose or purposes as the Board determines is most closely related to the restricted purpose of my bequest.”


Retirement Plan Beneficiary
Most retirement plans are income tax-deferred, meaning you do not pay income tax on the funds contributed to your plan or on the growth of the assets within the fund. However, you are responsible for paying the tax when the funds are distributed. Your beneficiary is also required to pay the income tax that has not been paid. Charitable organizations, like the Lieber Institute, are tax-exempt and not liable for unpaid taxes. If you name Lieber Institute as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, the full amount of your gift will be used for toward our mission to prevent mental illness and brain disorders. To name the Lieber Institute as a beneficiary, contact your plan administrator and request a beneficiary change form.


Arrange a Charitable Trust
With a charitable remainder trust, you receive income each year (either fixed or variable) from assets you place in the trust. After your lifetime, the balance in the trust goes to the Lieber Institute.


Use Life Insurance to Make a Gift
You can name the Lieber Institute as primary beneficiary of your life insurance policy or as contingent beneficiary should your other beneficiaries not survive you. After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to the Lieber Institute free of federal estate tax. Simply contact your insurance carrier and request a beneficiary change form.

You can also donate your paid-up life insurance policy to the Lieber Institute. If the policy has cash value, the Lieber Institute has the option of either holding the policy until the maturity date or surrendering the policy to receive the policy’s current cash value.


Designate Financial Accounts
Another way you can include the Lieber Institute in your estate plan is by designating us as the beneficiary of a financial account, including a bank or brokerage account, or an asset, such as a certificate of deposit. All you need to do is complete a beneficiary designation form (often called a transfer-on-death or pay-on-death form) provided by the financial institution. After your lifetime, the asset passes directly to the Lieber Institute.


Information contained herein was accurate at the time of posting. The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.

Help spread the word about the Lieber Institute’s mission to prevent and cure mental illness. By sharing, you bring new voices into the conversation that are passionate about advancing mental health research and finding solutions that change lives. Together, we can inspire hope and drive support for groundbreaking research. Every share counts—your voice could be the one that brings someone new into our mission. 

Call us at 202-505-3679


Mail donations to:
Lieber Institute for Brain Development
Atten: Geoff DeLizzio
855 N Wolfe St, Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21205

We are working relentlessly to push the scientific frontier to discover ways to treat, cure and ultimately prevent neuropsychiatric disorders. Join our community and receive direct updates on our research and scientific news as we trail blaze a path to prevention.

"Prevention is the Holy Grail of our work."